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Please click below to download the ERTC 2021 Agenda

What to Expect at ERTC 2021

The preparations for ERTC have already begun and we cannot wait to celebrate our 25th edition in style with our Co-host Repsol and Lead Supporter CEPSA in Madrid.

ERTC is Europe’s largest and most senior meeting place for the world’s downstream leaders, bringing together refineries and technology providers to address the short, medium and long term issues affecting the industry. Hot topics for 2021 include the recovery from a volatile 2020 and shaping refining’s role in Europe’s long-term sustainable, decarbonised energy system.




Expert Speakers

1-2-1 Meeting Slots

Refiners that attend ERTC

Contact us

Get in touch with us to discuss how you can get involved in ERTC 2021.

Sandil Sanmugam

Sandil Sanmugam

Portfolio Director, Europe

t:+44 207 384 7744

Melanie Richards

Melanie Richards

Marketing Manager

t:+44 207 384 8060