Galid Lahdahda

Galid Lahdahda

Head of Downstream, Standard Chartered

Galid Lahdahda is a Dutch national that has been living and working in Asia for over 10 years. He started his career 2 decades ago with ABN AMRO Bank where he was working with its large European Energy and Commodity clients. After moving to Singapore to join Standard Chartered Bank’s regional Oil & Gas group, he has been specialising in providing financial services to companies that operate in the oil and gas and wider energy sector.

Standard Chartered Bank is renowned for being a leading adviser and lender to the O&G sector across its footprint. As part of its Asian industry team Galid has worked on numerous O&G transactions, supporting clients across the region. Currently, Galid is responsible for the bank’s activities in the downstream market covering refineries and petrochemical installations as well as energy distribution and energy infrastructure. In this role he provides M&A advice, structures and arranges project and acquisition financing, assists clients with capital market transactions and provides risk management solutions to the bank’s industry clients.

Galid holds a masters degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Technology Delft and is allowed to utilise the CFA designation.