Erik Sellman

Erik Sellman

Domain Champion - Oil and Electrostatics

International penta-lingual and dual citizen Oil & Gas and Refinery professional with 43 years of industry experience with design, process test work, commissioning, start-up, trouble shooting, marketing, sales and product management.
Has logged 8 months working on offshore drilling rigs and production platforms in Norway, Denmark, USA and China, and an equal time at refineries and onshore production plants in Sweden, Norway, Korea, Mexico, USA and Canada.

Speaker at ACIPET, ADIPEC, AiChe, API, ARTC, Aspentech, Caspian Oil & Gas, CWC, EGYPS, ERTC, SPE, LARTC, MERTC, ODEC, OTC, PW Society, Russian Refinery Conference, St Petersburgh Energy Forum, WGA and WHOC conferences.
Author of 8 SPE, 1 API, 6 WHOC and 3 OTC papers.

Lived and worked in seven countries and three continents.

Current position as Domain Champion at Schlumberger – OneSurface, Houston, Texas.
Erik is still married to his first wife, with two grown-up daughters and four grand-children. He is also a certified ski instructor and certified SCUBA diver.