Hafedh Al Qassab

Hafedh Al Qassab

BMP Project Director, Bapco

Hafedh has 20 years of experience in the downstream oil and gas business. He holds a Masters in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College London, and is a Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).  He is a Chartered Engineer (CEng) and also a Member of the Institute of Leadership and Management (MInstLM) UK.

His whole career has been spent with the Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) in the Kingdom of Bahrain, working in the Company’s refinery.  He has held various roles and responsibilities in the Company within the process engineering and operations functions, including Manager Technical Services, and since 2012 he has held the position of General Manager Refining.

As General Manager Refining, he is a member of the Executive Management team at Bapco, and is responsible for the hydrocarbon supply chain at Bapco i.e. the receipt of crude oil through pipelines, storage and processing of the crude, refinery operations, blending and storage of products, and shipment of products through Bapco’s wharf.  Technical service support and Environment, Fire, Health and Safety functions for the business also fall under his umbrella of responsibility.

Hafedh is the author and co-author of several technical papers published in industry journals, and he has also presented and chaired sessions at many national, regional and international conferences.