Niek van ‘t Klooster

Niek van ‘t Klooster

Sales Consultant,

During his 37 years in technical, commercial and managerial positions at a well-respected global supplier of catalysts to the refining and chemical industry, Niek has worked closely with many peers within the refining industry around the world, varying from unit engineers, technical specialists, technical and operational managers, procurement, corporate R&D and Strategy to enhance their refinery operational excellence and profitability by means of supplying reliable and high performance products as well as providing excellent service. Throughout his career, he has put customer satisfaction as his number one priority, understanding that meeting their satisfaction and requirements is important for their success.

Today, as a member of the team, his focus is to introduce to the European industry a novel technology to bring their operational excellence to the next level. This technology, based on artificial intelligence with unique and unmatched functionality aimed at further enhancing operational excellence and compliance within the process industry, has already proven its value in the upstream energy sector. His vision is for our customers to see “ The bigger picture”  by “ Supercharging their workforce”  thru the use of