Robert Pinchuk
Low Carbon Strategy, Parkland Refining
Rob leads Low Carbon Strategy for Parkland Supply and Refining in Canada. His team works on new technology development for low-carbon fuel production and on the implementation of existing technology like biofuel blending. Parkland is a leader in Canadian renewable fuel production. They have moved ahead quickly and demonstrated results by adapting existing refinery equipment to bio-feed coprocessing. Parkland has also sought out and partnered with multiple feedstock development companies to help move that part of the biofuel industry forward in Canada. Through these efforts, Parkland has shown that the decarbonization targets being set by the government of BC and Canada are achievable for fuel producers. Rob has experience working in technology development with small companies and in many aspects of the refining industry. He has a good understanding of how the fuel industry works and what is required to drive change in large companies and in mature industries.