Theo Maesen

Theo Maesen

Director, R&D, Chevron Lummus Global

Theo Maesen is Director of R&D at Chevron Lummus Global (CLG) at its Richmond (California) location. He is responsible for an R&D project portfolio that continuously seeks advancements in technology and catalysts. Reflecting his interests in the development and commercialization of processes and catalysts for high-pressure hydroprocessing, he is inventor to some 60 patent applications and author of some 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals. Previously, Theo managed the hydrotreating and hydrocracking R&D programs in Richmond, comprising both catalyst and process development.  He obtained his Ph.D. in Catalysis at the Technical University Delft (1990) and joined Shell at its Research and Development Center in Amsterdam. He obtained his M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering at the University Twente in 1994. He joined Chevron at its Energy Technology Center in 2000.