Todd Miner

Todd Miner

Managing Advisor, Solomon Associates

Todd, a seasoned industry professional with more than 34 years of Downstream experience, has been a Senior Advisor at Solomon since April 2020. In addition to directly supporting Solomon’s 2022 Fuels Study, Todd leads a team of Senior Advisors and, amongst other activities, manages the Petrobras Energy Efficiency work presented at the 2022 LARTC conference.

Todd’s broad Downstream experience encompasses Refining Technical; Fuels Supply & Logistics Operations Leadership; Strategy & Business Development; Lubricants’ Base Oils Supply & Supply Chain Leadership; and Fuels Supply & Trading. While most of his career was spent in the US with Shell/Motiva, Todd, his wife Lynn, and their three now-adult children thoroughly enjoyed his 4-year expat assignment in London with the Shell Oil Company.