Orcan Energy
Orcan Energy AG develops, produces, distributes, and finances energy modules for the conversion of waste heat into clean and cheap electricity and constructs them on a turnkey basis, including the installation required for waste heat extraction. Orcan Energy's products tap into the enormous global waste heat potential and enable customers to save CO2 emissions and costs at the same time. Orcan Energy unlocks the energy potential of unused heat sources based on second-generation Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) technology. By massively downsizing the established technology and developing a modular solution, Orcan Energy is turning small and medium-sized waste heat sources, as well as lower temperatures into economically viable options for the first time. As a result, the modules can be installed directly wherever excess heat is generated, for example in industrial processes, in engines, on ships or even in geothermal plants. Orcan Energy's solutions are already helping companies in the cement, oil and gas, power generation, and marine sectors to achieve their sustainability goals, reduce costs and comply with future regulations. Thanks to flexible financing models, companies can save cash-flow-positive electricity or fuel costs with waste heat power generation from day one. Orcan Energy has already marketed more than 600 modules with over 7 million operating hours internationally. The company has 85 employees and is headquartered in Munich, Germany.
For more information about the company, its products, and its applications, visit https://www.orcan-energy.com/en/