WRA Interview Series

John Cooper, Director General for FuelsEurope and Concawe

Part of the WRA Interview Series, with Sandil Sanmugam, Portfolio Director, Europe, World Refining Association

Published on 7th July 2020

The WRA’s goal is to support the refining industry and its transition to a sustainable future. We had a conversation with John Cooper, Director General for FuelsEurope and Concawe about how they are working with the European Commission and putting refineries at the heart of the Green Deal. John and Sandil discussed FuelsEurope’s report “Clean Fuels for All” and how the current refinery blueprint will differ significantly to the refinery of 2050.


  • How is COVID impacting the refining business?
  • Behavioural habits changing
  • How can refiners and FuelsEurope convince society that they should be part of the transition alongside renewables?
  • Reflections on the Commission’s Green Deal
  • What policies should the Green Deal include?
  • How are the oil majors aligning with your Clean Fuels for All report?
  • What will happen to those who do not introduce the report’s strategies? Will they become obsolete?
  • Which technology will have the biggest impact for refiners: low carbon fuels, hydrogen & CCUS and chemical recycling?

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